Around 2.30 this afternoon Carolyn produced 2 lovely ewe lambs within the space of 10 minutes. Both are up and about and suckling well from mum.

We also took Heidi back home today, with her two lambs. The youngest lamb is still being bottle fed, Heidi still has not enough milk for both lambs, and he has no idea about suckling, and now it's too late for him to learn, but Heidi is so attentive of him and he and his brother play so well together that any idea we had of putting him with a friend's couple of pet lambs we are looking after, went out of the window, and Heidi's owner, Jayne is used to bottle feeding lambs, we know he will be well looked after.
Just Carmen and Yellow Neck to lamb this weekend, supposedly no one is due on Monday, then 4 ewes are due to lamb on Tuesday. We shall see what happens....
I'm still waiting for mine, Pepper looks like she is about to pop!
Oh where oh where are my lambs?!!! You're look lovely :o)
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