It's been a typical bank holiday, weather wise, sun, wind and and today, rain.
On Saturday, we managed to get another deep bed in the area we now call the "Allotment"
The bed farthest away has been in since the autumn and is planted up with second early and salad potatoes. The bed at the front I rotovated to break up the grass and soil and have now stared to fork it over to take out the weeds in readiness to plant out the veg plants growing in the greenhouse.

You may just be able to see in the above photo, an area of grass that has been cut. This is where 4 more beds are to go. I've just got to rotovate the area. You may also have noticed that the beds are offset. The reason for this is when the next 4 beds are in, the allotment is to be fenced, so that the sheep can eat the grass around the outside of the veg beds, which means that the bed with the potatoes in is going to be right next to the fence, where as the one in front will have a path in front of the fence. So the back bed will have to be moved once the potatoes are dug out!!!!

As today was such a cold and windy day, I've split my time between doing the accounts for the year end to send to the "bean counter" and labelling up rovings for Woolfest in a couple of months time. This photo shows the bags of fleece/fibre all labelled up in readiness, stored in the old hayloft above the garage, my own fibre store area. I'm at the point of, "have I got enough stock" or "have I got too much" and "how on earth am I going to pack it all into the back of the truck"!!!!!!!!
I'm extending my range of rovings this year with the introduction of some baby camel rovings, which are so beautifully soft and fine, Corridale rovings, Shetland, Jacob and Blue Faced Leicester humbug rovings, as well as dying a load of alpaca rovings. So a whole load of new stuff for people to look at and and hopefully, buy!!!
On the 16th May I will be taking some of my fibre to the Tynedale Guild of WS&D Spinners Gathering with Phillippa of Wheeldale Woolcrafts, so hopefully I will see how my new lines sell.
Well that's another Bank Holiday gone, the next one is in 3 weeks time, let's hope we have a much warmer one.