Sunday 31 October 2010

Bum Watch update

All 3 of our tups have had their raddles on since the 13th October and finally this week Gus and Tuppyman have covered some of their ladies. Here are the lucky ladies with their dates....
27th - Frea, covered by Tuppyman and Flora covered by Gus. Due date 26th March 2011
28th - Scottie 608, covered by Gus. Due date 27th March 2011.
29th - Fenella, covered by Gus. Due date 28th March 2011.
30th - Allium, covered by Tuppyman. Due date 29th March 2011.
31st - Missy, covered by Tuppyman. Due dare 30th March 2011.
Not forgetting, Fudge and Florence who are due around the 2nd March 2011.
So it looks like we are going to have a nice easy start to lambing next year!!!!
As yet Finn has not covered any of his ladies, but we're not too worried as the Shetland Ewes he's with normally don't seem to come into season until the middle of November.

This week sees another Store Lamb sale at our local mart. We're taking the last of the light "fatties", this will leave us with 4 fatties left to go to the Xmas Fat market on the 6th December at around 40kgs. This will mean that for the first time ever, we will have sold all of our spare lambs before Christmas, which if the prediction of one of our old farmer friends comes true, we're in for another bad winter as the sheep have "come off the moor fat", and this event only precedes a bad winter!!!!!!! Just thought I'd pass on this piece of information, time to stock up the freezer, wood store, thermals and warm clothing. Don't say you weren't warned.......

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