Sunday 28 June 2009

Woolfest was.........

fantastic, hard work and very, very warm.
Photos and details tomorrow as I have to work out how to download the photos I took from my mobile phone


Jenny Holden said...

Well done Denise. I'll look forward to hearing all about it :o)

Artis-Anne said...

I had meant to come back to you for some yummies but I had such a migraine that I am afraid I saw very little of Woolfest this year :( way too hot !!

Anonymous said...

Well, hello, Denise! I don't think I've actually commented on your blog before, although I've been reading it for ages, but it wasn't until I was leaving Woolfest that I put two and two together and realised that OLG Denise and Denise of this blog were the same person, IYKWIM! I'm the very tall lass with a much shorter Mum(!) who was there on Saturday; you gave us a flyer for the Danby spin-in day in October, and I'm also an OLG member. Crazily, it was the alpaca rovings on your stall that finally made the penny drop for me. Now I know who you are, I'll be a much more vocal reader. I'm glad you had a fab time; I certainly did!
