Saturday 26 April 2008

Spotty lamb for Beatrix

After we had fed the ewes and lambs this evening, we did our usual walk round to check on everyone and despite a lot of the lambs looking the same, you very quickly notice one that looks differently, especially one as spotted as this little one is. Beatrix had given birth today, to a little ewe lamb, she certainly is a pretty little one. Looks like a "spotty dog". We decided to leave them both outside as the lamb had a full tummy and Beatrix is obviously looking after her so well.
Brazil and her ram lamb are back in the barn again tonight. Tim noticed that the lamb was limping badly again, so he's back on a course of antibiotics. This time he will stay in the barn until he's walking properly for a couple of days before he's back outside, so rather than have he and his mum in the usual sized pen, we've opened 3 pens so he's got plenty of space to try and run around in.

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