Monday, 21 April 2008

Cassie has a cracking ram lamb

Cassie needed some assistance to deliver her son. His feet were in the right place, but his head was twisted to one side. When he finally came into the world his body was all twisted round, so a quick untwist and he was fine and as you can see from the picture he's a fine looking ram lamb.
Abby and May have been brought into the lambing pens as they are both due on the 23rd. So the barn is full again.
As I mentioned in a earlier blog Brazil and her son are in a pen as he has joint ill. It's an infection that some lambs can get through their umbilical cord which causes the leg joints to swell. It takes a course of antibiotics to clear it up and today he was running round the pen, still limping on his leg, but using it again and trying to jump, as all lambs do. We recon another dose of antibiotics tomorrow night and he will be fully recovered, and as usual I got in touch with my friendly homeopathic supplier for some medication to aid the antibiotics.

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