Sunday 16 May 2010

Paddock management and Tynedale Guild Open Day

It's been a mixed week, this week with the weather. We've had hailstones and sun!!
Ghilli and Grommet are now in their summer paddock. Finn, Cecil, Fluffy and Archie are gently munching the grass in the allotment area. So despite the mixed weather, we've been able to get the vacated paddocks' docks and thistles sprayed. Yesterday Tim chain harrowed a couple of paddocks that the ewes had been in. It's amazing how much thatch came out of the grass.
Yesterday was the Tynedale Weavers Spinners & Dyers Guild Open Day, over at Stocksfield. It meant leaving home before 7am, and I had the usual argument with the Sat Nav. All I will say is that I saw parts of Bishop Auckland and Crook I didn't intend to see going to Stocksfield and on the way home, I didn't realise Darlington has so many roundabouts!!! The journey aside, which I view as part of the adventure, I really enjoyed the day, the people are so friendly and the food delicious. It was also great to catch up with everyone and I spent some time looking at all the different spinning wheels that were being used.
On Monday and Thursday I had my first sittings for the Employment Tribunal. Monday was reasonable uneventful, but only part heard and the additional days rescheduled for August. Thursday, on the other hand, started badly. Trains from Saltburn were cancelled, so I had to drive to Thornaby, this time without the Sat Nav. But I still got lost!!! 2 things in my defence the Tribunal court is actually in Stockton, not Thornaby and Thornaby has a evil one way system!!! I lost count the number of times I went past/through/round the Mandella Industrial Estate!!! I finally found Thornaby train station, so parked the car and walked. It was easier!!!!! The case I heard was done and dusted in a day and was relatively simple. As was the drive home, it's easier to get out of Thornaby than it is to get in!!!!!


Jon Storey said...

I wish I had known, Stocksfield is only three miles away from us...!!

Simon Dawson said...

I've just found your blog, really good. I have a smallholding myself on Exmoor, so it's nice read about other people's adventures/missadventures on the land. Signing up as a follower and looking forward to keeping up with things up north!