Saturday 16 January 2010

The start of the thaw and a death.....

We woke up this morning to rain!!!! We've never been so pleased to see rain, it will mean the end of the snow and we will be able to get out of our yard easily at long last. As the melting snow and rain were running down the lane over the compacted snow, we spent the morning clearing the slope of the compact snow. Not much fun in the rain, but if it decides to freeze we won't have a ice rink to deal with.
Now the sad news, as I went to feed the ewes this morning, I saw a sheep on her back, it was Cassie, she was on her back resting against the hay rack, with no sign of life. I don't know how it's happened, but it is so sad as she was such a good ewe. Considering we've had 4 weeks of snow she was in good condition. There is only one thing to do, get her into the barn and ring the fallen stock man to come and collect her.....


Dorothy said...

In Derbyshire we also woke to rain, and the startling sight of colours - green grass appearing again after a month under snow!

Sorry to hear about poor Cassie.

Hope you can get the barns fixed, how strong and destructive ice can be.

Jenny Holden said...

That's very sad news, not to mention a bit of a puzzle. But then that's what sheep are famous for I suppose. Hope the rest of you are all ok x

Freyalyn said...

Sorry about Cassie.