Monday, 31 August 2009

A productive Bank Holiday

With the arrival of the Resident Vandal and KD on Friday night we seemed get a whole lot of work done this weekend.
Jobs that were crossed of the list, (the one that I will not let anyone see!!!) were:-
  • Concrete in front of the oil tank, so that when the man comes to fill the tank he no longer has to walk carefully across a bridge over a large hole full of muddy water!!
  • Put in 3 strainers so that Tim can do some more fencing, by the back of the barn to keep the sheep off the very fragile back wall, to create a larger nursery area near the small barn at lambing time and one by the woodland so that the existing wire fence could be moved, to prevent the sheep eating the hedge
  • All sheep weighed, hooves trimmed, wormed and given a mineral drench
  • The lambs sorted so that we now have 3 small flocks, the stores (the ones going to the mart) aka the marauding munchers, the breeding ewes (which now has the 11 ewe lambs we are keeping) and finally, the boys (Finn, Cecil, Archie, Fleecy and Fluffy) minus Hector who we sold 3 weeks ago as a breeding ram at the mart
  • Moved the existing wire fence in the woodland to the other side of the hedge, so that the marauding munchers won't eat it when we move them to the side of the big barn to eat the grass.

A very satisfying few days and the weather held off until this evening, the rain is lashing down as I type.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

I had a good weekend too, lots got done, isn't it great how just one extra day of the weekend can make so much happen and still feel like a bit of a holiday