Sunday 9 November 2008

Here come the Boys..........

As we have now put the Tups in with the ewes I thought I would introduce them.

This is Hector, our resident Shetland Ram, getting his head stuck into some breakfast this morning. As you can see he only has one horn and it does sweep back over his head. The point is getting near to his neck so we will have to trim off the bottom inch or so, so that he doesn't hurt himself.
This is Isaac, a young Jacob Ram we are borrowing to cover some of our Corridale X Shetland ewes, and as you can see from the above picture, one of the ewes has a red bum, so despite his youth, he seems to know what to do.

This picture shows Isaac's impressive set of horns. He also has a very soft fleece, so it will be interesting to see what his lambs turn out like.
He's only been with his harem of ewes for less than a day and already he's covered 3 of them. Hector on the other hand, is saving his energy, but I'm sure he will get to work soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am definitely looking forward to seeing what sort of fleeces you get from Isaac's progeny. Colours, softness AND charracter.
