The weather the day or so before the shearer arrived had been wet and low cloud, so the boys had to be put into the barn to try and keep dry, or at least not get any wetter than they already were. They were not impressed!! They were even less impressed when the shearer arrived into the late afternoon, by which time the day had turned decidedly chilly and it take 24 - 48 hours for their skins to "fatten" up after being sheared, so they had to spend a 3rd night in the barn. The following morning, they couldn't wait to be released. Despite the time spent in the barn Ghilli's fleece was still wet that I had to dry it out overnight on the floor of the utility room. Next stop for their fleeces will be Woolfest to be handed over to the owners of the processing mill I use to be turned into knitting wool for a change.

More news on Sunday, I'm helping out at one of the local farms tomorrow wrapping fleeces whilst their 150+ sheep are being sheared. It will be very hot and sticky work, not to say noisy from the sheep.
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