Tuesday 8 May 2007

A busy Bank Holiday weekend and a visit to A&E

The bank holiday weather was kind to us, despite the strong wind, the promised showers stayed away.

Saturday was spent at a farm sale held in the village, so we took the dogs and walked to the sale. There was plenty to see and people to talked to, and laugh at!!! Especially our neighbour's son, who has dislocated his ankle doing silly things on a trampoline. We bought 2 sheep mobile hay racks, 3 sheep troughs and a bale spike without having to part with too much money. Then a walk home to get the truck and trailer to bring home our purchases.

Sunday the wind dropped and so we were able to get on with some spaying in the empty paddocks and cut up the trees that had been removed from the fencing they had fallen onto and damaged. Tim and the resident vandal managed to get the first part of the footings dug for the lamb barn. But when Tim got off the digger and tried to straighten up, he couldn't his back had seized. It was a very slow walk back to the house.

So Monday morning saw us at Whitby hospital as A&E opened to get his back checked out as he was in much more pain. Thankfully no discs are damaged, the muscles in his back have gone into spasms, hence the pain. A course of strong painkillers and advice on light exercise, i.e keep moving, don't lay down, lift or try to move anything. So he can't feed the animals or take the dogs for a walk. When he does walk he looks like a 70 year old farmer walking with his stick!!! We haven't got a timescale as to when he will be back to his normal annoying self, but today he is moving a little easier.

So the animals are getting fed before Denise goes to work, that gave them a shock at 05.30 this morning, they were all still asleep in the field when she put their feed in the troughs in the barn. They were awake by the time they reached the barn!!!!!

Wednesday sees the arrival of the new barn cats. Denise will be picking them up from the Cat Protection League on her way home from work.

Next week the lambs need their first course of heptovac, that's going to be fun catching the little monsters as they run round the barn!!!!!! and guess who is going to be doing the chasing and catching!!! It won't be Tim!!!!!

More next week!!!!!


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