Sunday 30 January 2011

It's been a "bits & pieces" week

It's been one of those weeks, where you seem to get not a lot done, yet seem to have been busy all week.
Tim has finally moved all the rubble from the barn and had a fire with some more wood uprights from the roof. The rubble pile didn't look very big, but it seemed to take for ever to move.
I've been busy getting things sorted out for the Teeswater Sheep Breeder's Association's Annual Dinner on Friday night, in Hawes. Numbers had to be confirmed by Monday, but I'd only got 50 bookings, and normally there are over 80! But as the week progressed, the numbers increased to 92! Thankfully it all sorted it's self out and everyone had a good time. Raffle and Annual Draw prizes appeared by the dozen. So a goodly sum was raised to help fill the association's coffers. I eventually got home at 1.15 on Saturday morning, thanks to a detour around Leyburn. When I got home I checked on my chickens to find one of them outside the netting, unable to get into the hen hut. She complained when I picked her up, despite the frost starting to lay on her feathers!
So as a result, on Saturday, we decided to have a quiet day and build up our strength ready to deal with the sheep on Sunday.

1 comment:

Food Forestry said...

I've felt like this all week myself - like I'm not getting a lot done. But, isn't that sort of what winter is about... resting up for the onslaught of work in the spring? I've enjoyed your blog.