Sunday 8 November 2009

Finn 4 Spotty Dog 0

No not a football score, just the number of ewes each tup has covered this week. We have got serious doubts about Spotty Dog, but he will remain in with his ewes for another couple of weeks, then if nothing has happened, Finn will be put in to cover the remaining ewes. I will keep you posted.....

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Hi Denise,
Not sure if Spotty Dog is yours or borrowed but either way, don't dispair if he's a good ram. I have a six year old cashmere buck here who refused to serve every year until finally I got him to perform last year. I really didn't want to give up as he is the only one of that line I have. I ran him for a day or two with a group of females and an older, experienced male that he was well used to and in fact good friends with. He watched while the experienced old boy quietly got on with the job and then finally got the idea! He knocked the old boy out of the way then started to get on with the job. While not being the most enthusiastic performer I do at least have one buck kid from him now and I'm about to put him in with a handful of other cashmeres this year.