Sunday 21 September 2008

Rare Breeds Sale and tree clearing

We spent this morning sorting out the ewes for the Rare Breeds Sale in a couple of weeks time. The ewes that are going to the sale have to be resistant to scab, so they have to be injected with Dectomax, to ensure they are covered as well as being double ear tagged, something we don't believe in, but if we turn up at the sale with single tagged lambs they will not be allowed to be entered for the sale. Ear tags get ripped out quite easily, so you can imagine what damage having both ears tagged, can do to a sheep!!!!
We decided that since we had to have the lambs we are sending to that sale in to inject them, we may a well keep them separate from the rest of our ewes, as it will make it easier to load them into the trailer.
Tim has spent most of this week clearing the branches from the back field that were cut back when he and the Resident Vandal did some fencing earlier in the year. We need the field clearing so that the sheep have somewhere to go later in the year. At the moment we are not short of grass, but it doesn't have a great deal of body to it, so we want to move the sheep around sooner rather then later.
I also managed to get one side of my shed floor painted with wood preservative and I'm hoping to get the other half done this week. I doubt we will get the shed put up by the weekend as I want to get all of it well treated with preservative.
As the weekend weather has been so good, I managed to get another of the sheep fleeces washed ready to be carded, and as it was not windy I was able to dry the fleece outside, a real novelty.
More next week on the birthday celebrations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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