Sunday 3 July 2011

A quieter day

After the excitement of yesterday, if you can call it that, it was nice to be able to spend some time out in the veg garden and catching up on some much needed weeding.
As always I've planted way too many Broad Bean Plants, which have lots of pods on them, my peas are also have lots of pods on them, but they really need some rain to help fatten up the peas. My young leeks are looking more like "drips" than proper leeks and I'm sure that's down again, to the lack of rain, but my winter and summer onions seem to be thriving in this heat. But my brassicas are a bit hit and miss, some are growing well and some are a little on the small side. But I seem to have very little problems with slugs and snails and I think this is down to the hens spending the winter in the veg garden.

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