Sunday 23 May 2010

A better rest of the week

The weather this week has been sunny and warm, so I took advantage of the heat to do some dyeing of the Merino/Nylon sock yarn

The photo doesn't do justice to the red, which is a rich and vibrant colour. I'm hoping these sell well at Stockton Farmers Market in June. Yesterday and today I was able to sit out under the sun brolly and get some spinning done.
Despite the heat I've planted out some peas, red sprout and dwarf runner bean plants, and as we have a spring, which Tim rigged up to water the veg garden last summer, I've been attaching the hose to, to water the potatoes, which are just starting to show. I've also been frantically sowing some more seeds, (fennel, mixed salad leaves, kale, and calabrese) to try and catch up due to the cold weather we've been having recently.
The sudden heat wave has brought with it clouds of green fly, which the chickens love, 2 very hot alpacas, as they are sporting 2 years growth, thanks to the shearer not turning up last year. They've only got to go until the 19th June when the new alpaca shearer arrives. The ewes are going through a lot of water, we are filling their water trough up 2 - 3 times a day and 2 very hot dogs, who both had cooling showers this evening, Holly because she'd found some rather smelly sheep poo to roll in, and Deefa, because he was afraid he was going to miss out!!!!
We'd given the ewes and lambs access to the grass between the 2 barns as it wanted eating up, followed by the grass at the back of the barns. It's taken them less than a week to eat it all down, but it has just given the grass on the common land a bit of a rest, and, as we have "the gathering of the clans" here on Bank Holiday Sunday, tided the spot up a bit.
Today we finally weaned the pet lambs, I'd used the last of the milk powder last night and now they are 8 - 9 weeks old we were not going to buy any more milk power. By rights they should have been weaned a couple of weeks back, but as it was so cold we felt that it was not the right time to wean them. So today they have been complaining, loudly, every time they have seen us. It won't last long, by the middle of the week they will be quiet and the milk bucket will be a distant memory to them.

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