Sunday 22 March 2009

It's hard work this weather.....

Is a comment from one of our neighbours, and I know what she means. The last place I want to be is inside, you want to be outside working in the fields and/or garden. I don't remember being able to get so much of my veg garden dug this early in the year and the land being so dry.
The sheep are doing O.K and we are only 2 weeks away from the start of lambing. Missy's limp has now gone and she's looking really well. I did have a slight panic earlier this week, going out the feed the ewes on Wednesday night, I saw a dark coloured ewe on the common land with a lamb!!!!!! A quick role call of the ewes at the feed trough and no one was missing. Pete had put some of his ewes up on the common land that afternoon one of which was coloured. Panic over, but every time I go out to feed the ewes she still makes me do a double check on all of my girls.
Yesterday Tim and Deefa moved Hector, Cecil and Archie back to the field they normally live in and the ram lambs into the top field near the common land. It was good to see them both back working the sheep again and, if a dog could smile, Deefa had the biggest grin on his face a dog could have. Tim also managed to put together the new feed bin that arrived on Thursday, despite the instructions saying the 2 people are required to put the bin together!!!! In actual fact he only needed my help to finish fastening the divider into the bin, which if you had arms that were 6ft long you could do on your own. Now the feed bin is in place we can finish putting the lambing pens up.
Changing the thread of this blog some what, a friend of ours has just given me "The Book of The Farm Vol.1" by Henry Stevens, the one that was featured on the programme "Victoria Farm". It will make an interesting read on the train to work. I love reading old farming books, it's surprising how little has changed in farming over the years, apart from the machinery.

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