Brazil and her ram lamb are back in the barn again tonight. Tim noticed that the lamb was limping badly again, so he's back on a course of antibiotics. This time he will stay in the barn until he's walking properly for a couple of days before he's back outside, so rather than have he and his mum in the usual sized pen, we've opened 3 pens so he's got plenty of space to try and run around in.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Spotty lamb for Beatrix
Brazil and her ram lamb are back in the barn again tonight. Tim noticed that the lamb was limping badly again, so he's back on a course of antibiotics. This time he will stay in the barn until he's walking properly for a couple of days before he's back outside, so rather than have he and his mum in the usual sized pen, we've opened 3 pens so he's got plenty of space to try and run around in.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Early morning lambs
With Abbi giving birth sees the end of the main rush of lambs born. There is still Beatrix to have her lamb which is due on the 29th April, then there is another lull until the 10th May.
Brazil and her lamb have gone out today, he's loads better, jumping on all 4's as a new lamb should do. Also Cassie went out this morning, the forecast was good and the best place for any new lamb is out in the fresh air.
The total so far on lambs is 33 (17 tups, 16 ewes) from 20 ewes
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
May has a beautiful ewe lamb
Because of May's pedigree status means that this little ewe is eligible for full pedigree registration status, so depending on how she developes we will probably keep her to improve the pedigree status of our Shetland flock.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Cassie has a cracking ram lamb
Abby and May have been brought into the lambing pens as they are both due on the 23rd. So the barn is full again.
As I mentioned in a earlier blog Brazil and her son are in a pen as he has joint ill. It's an infection that some lambs can get through their umbilical cord which causes the leg joints to swell. It takes a course of antibiotics to clear it up and today he was running round the pen, still limping on his leg, but using it again and trying to jump, as all lambs do. We recon another dose of antibiotics tomorrow night and he will be fully recovered, and as usual I got in touch with my friendly homeopathic supplier for some medication to aid the antibiotics.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Hedge laying weekend and more lambs
Yesterday we had a day's hedge laying with the hedge laying Hollands, and fwe finished the hedge between us and common land, and I have to say it looks really good and neat. So hopefully over the coming years it will re-sprout and grow into a really thick hedge that the sheep can use for protection against the elements.
7 lambs have been born this week from 4 ewes and the running total is now 29 lambs, 14 ewes, 15 tups (ram) lambs and this coming week should see the end of the majority of lambs to be born, with the 3 Wiltshire Horn ewes are due the middle of May. A little late for us, but they are only young.
We have decided that the current lambing barn is too small and if we can widen it by another 7ft, we can add another run of 5 lambing pens so that if we have a lot of ewes due at the same time and the weather turns nasty, we've got the space to keep everyone inside. But before we can do that it will mean talking to the National Parks Planning department and submitting new plans!!!!!!!!!!!! More paperwork.
On the subject of paperwork. Our single farm supplement paperwork arrived last week. It's mostly pre-populated, but it's still to be checked, signed and copied before sending back to Defra. We've also got the Common Land registration paperwork to sort out, so that on the Common Land register it shows our name against Meadowcroft Farm. To which we've been to see the solicitor, got the paperwork sworn and signed, now all that is needed is some papers from the land registry to prove transfer of ownership, which in turn should prove ownership of the mineral rights associated with our property and then we can talk to Cleveland Potash company about the lease and rental for the minerals etc. All very involved and complicated, but hopefully I can get it sorted out this year!!!!!!
Just occasionally a boring life would be wonderful................
7 lambs have been born this week from 4 ewes and the running total is now 29 lambs, 14 ewes, 15 tups (ram) lambs and this coming week should see the end of the majority of lambs to be born, with the 3 Wiltshire Horn ewes are due the middle of May. A little late for us, but they are only young.
We have decided that the current lambing barn is too small and if we can widen it by another 7ft, we can add another run of 5 lambing pens so that if we have a lot of ewes due at the same time and the weather turns nasty, we've got the space to keep everyone inside. But before we can do that it will mean talking to the National Parks Planning department and submitting new plans!!!!!!!!!!!! More paperwork.
On the subject of paperwork. Our single farm supplement paperwork arrived last week. It's mostly pre-populated, but it's still to be checked, signed and copied before sending back to Defra. We've also got the Common Land registration paperwork to sort out, so that on the Common Land register it shows our name against Meadowcroft Farm. To which we've been to see the solicitor, got the paperwork sworn and signed, now all that is needed is some papers from the land registry to prove transfer of ownership, which in turn should prove ownership of the mineral rights associated with our property and then we can talk to Cleveland Potash company about the lease and rental for the minerals etc. All very involved and complicated, but hopefully I can get it sorted out this year!!!!!!
Just occasionally a boring life would be wonderful................
Cicely has twins but rejects one
The lamb adopter holds the ewe's head so that she can't butt the lambs, but they can still drink from her. Cicely can get to her water and feed, stand and sit, but not move from side to side. It looks a bit weird, but works and as the lamb is hers we should only have to keep her in the "adopter" for a couple of days and then everything should be O.K . But another ewe and tup lamb. The lamb in the picture with the purple spot is the ewe lamb that Cicely has rejected.
Carolyn sheep has her lambs in secret
Carolyn didn't appear for the morning feed and when we looked round the fields initially we thought that the little lambs that were in the field were Cloe's, but when she bleated for her lambs and they came running from the barn we realised that the lambs were in actually fact Carolyn's. We brought them into the barn for a quick check over and to ensure that they had a full stomach, which they did, so after a couple of hours in the barn we let the new family out again. We think she had her lambs yesterday, but we were so busy with hedge laying that we'd missed she hadn't come down for the evening feed. Thankfully there were no problems. Another ewe and tup lamb, both beautifully marked. Hector has produced some really good lambs this year.
Friday, 18 April 2008
2 days late but a lovely little ewe for Berniece
If Hector passes his inspection by the Shetland Sheep Society later this year, this little ewe will be eligible for full pedigree registration.
Cicely is now in the barn she is due on Sunday and with Brazil and her poorly lamb, the barn is getting full again. Lilly and her lambs went our yesterday.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Lilly delivers at last
When I came home we moved this new family into the barn, we also put Berniece into the next door pen not only as company for Lilly, but she is the next ewe due.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
An empty barn
The forecast for today was fine so we decided that all the mums and lambs that were in the barn, should go out into the field along with Lilly, who is still showing no signs of giving up her lamb(s). So this has given us the opportunity to put down clean straw in all the lambing pens and the barn, so everything is ready for the next wave of lambs due between the 19th and 23rd.
It seems strange but we are not halfway through lambing and I've already put adverts together for any lambs and meat we will have for sale later in the year for the shows that the North Yorkshire Smallholders will be attending.
As the weather has been so pleasant today I managed to get some veg planted in my veg garden. Red onion sets, parsnips and beetroot. I also sowed some leek seeds into potting compost though I will need some more potting compost for the sweetcorn seeds.
It's only a short post today as most of what has happened over the past week have been the 11 lambs that have been born.
The tally so far is 22 lambs from 12 ewes, all the lambs are full of life and so far we are not disappointed with what has been born.
Next ewe to lamb is Berniece on the 16th.......
It seems strange but we are not halfway through lambing and I've already put adverts together for any lambs and meat we will have for sale later in the year for the shows that the North Yorkshire Smallholders will be attending.
As the weather has been so pleasant today I managed to get some veg planted in my veg garden. Red onion sets, parsnips and beetroot. I also sowed some leek seeds into potting compost though I will need some more potting compost for the sweetcorn seeds.
It's only a short post today as most of what has happened over the past week have been the 11 lambs that have been born.
The tally so far is 22 lambs from 12 ewes, all the lambs are full of life and so far we are not disappointed with what has been born.
Next ewe to lamb is Berniece on the 16th.......
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Early morning arrivals
The ewe lamb is the grey/brown little lamb where as the ram is all black.
Tomorrow we are going to let Carmen, Amber and Layla with their lambs, out of their pens, it's supposed to be a fine day and we will need the pens towards the end of the week when we should have another rush on ewes giving birth.
The next ewe due is Berniece, on the 16th, and of course Lilly who is holding onto her lamb(s)!!!!!
Friday, 11 April 2008
Late night arrivals
We suspected that she may be ready to give birth as she was missing from the evening feeding line up. A walk round the fields saw her pacing in the corner of a field, so brought her into the barn just in case, and I'm glad we did.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Carmen delivers her lambs in the field and barn!!!!
Carmen's first lamb to be born was a ewe, the second was a ram lamb.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Our first set of triplets
Lilly has still not given birth!!!!
Missy, Anya and Brazil all went out this morning with their lambs and have spent a day in the sunshine.
Monday, 7 April 2008
There are times when things get on top of you!!!!
Two sets of Twins
Anya with her twin lambs, one ewe and one ram lamb. They were born late last night with no problems this time. Last year Anya had twins, but the little ram lamb (Dougal) ended up in the main barn and so she abandoned him. We ended up bottle feeding him.
In contrast these two are very bonded to mum.
It's a great sight on a morning to see newly born healthy lambs.
According to the weather forecast it is to be fine tomorrow, so Anya, Missy and Brazil and their respective lambs will be let out into the main barn the the great outside
Sunday, 6 April 2008
A hectic week with the Hobbits and lambs
The hobbits went home on Friday lunch time and despite their young age, they have been a great help with the lambs and helping "doing jobs", especially when it involves using the tractor. We both enjoy having them to stay, but by the end of the week we are both shattered and on Friday afternoon we both though we had gone deaf!!! Holly and Deefa are missing them, they keep going into the spare room to see where they are!!!
As you will have read on previous blogs, to date we've had 9 lambs from 7 ewes, and apart from Brazil requiring a little bit of assistance all the lambs so far have arrived into the world without any problems.
Already the lambs are taking on their own personalities, the first ewe to be born has been nick named Bandit, because of her face markings, and she is living up to her name, trying to pinch milk from all the other mums. Apart from Brazil's little boy they other 4 ram lambs are so lazy, just eating and sleeping.
The weather this weekend has changed for the worse, and in fact it's snowing now as I write this blog. We checked on the ewes earlier and all of the new mums and their lambs are snug in the barn. We've put Ariadne and Missy into lambing pens. Ariadne is due on the 8th and Missy on the 9th, but with the weather being a bad as it is for the next few days, the last thing we want is lambs to be born outside. Lilly and Anya have still to lamb, Lilly is 2 days over due, Anya was due today.
Will post pictures of lambs as they are born
As you will have read on previous blogs, to date we've had 9 lambs from 7 ewes, and apart from Brazil requiring a little bit of assistance all the lambs so far have arrived into the world without any problems.
Already the lambs are taking on their own personalities, the first ewe to be born has been nick named Bandit, because of her face markings, and she is living up to her name, trying to pinch milk from all the other mums. Apart from Brazil's little boy they other 4 ram lambs are so lazy, just eating and sleeping.
The weather this weekend has changed for the worse, and in fact it's snowing now as I write this blog. We checked on the ewes earlier and all of the new mums and their lambs are snug in the barn. We've put Ariadne and Missy into lambing pens. Ariadne is due on the 8th and Missy on the 9th, but with the weather being a bad as it is for the next few days, the last thing we want is lambs to be born outside. Lilly and Anya have still to lamb, Lilly is 2 days over due, Anya was due today.
Will post pictures of lambs as they are born
Brazil delivers at last
Brazil struggled to push him out so Tim gave his front legs a gently pull and once his shoulders were out, he came out with a whoosh. Within 10 minutes he was up and about and looking for a drink.
A young ram with attitude
Saturday, 5 April 2008
The snow arrives and so do Chloe's twins
Astrid's little lamb is looking much better this morning, he didn't seem quite "with it" yesterday but today he's up and about.
Friday, 4 April 2008
Our first set of twins
This meant that we had no room in the barn for her and her lambs, so the first 3 lambs to be born were moved into a new paddock, with their respective mums, which has a shelter, so that we've got some space.
But we're now full again as Chloe and Anya are now in the remaining empty lambing pens as they are due on the 6th April. I hope no one else decides to give birth as we've no lambing pens left. But I'm sure we'll sort something out.
Our first ram lamb
The lambing pens were now full, but Lilly and Brazil refuse to give birth and are causing a bit of a jam. But as the weather is supposed to turn nasty this weekend, they will stay where they are.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
The lamb that couldn't wait
The Hobbits helped me get her and her mum into the barn and a pen, so that we can keep an eye on her for 24 hours.
If the weather is fine tomorrow she and the 2 other lambs born this week will be let out of the barn to enjoy the big out doors.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Surprise arrival...
Now the Hobbits are happy that the first lamb born now has a little friend to play with......
The first lamb arrives...
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