Saturday 17 March 2012

A Market, twin lambs and house viewings

Today has been one of those days. I was booked to go to Botton Farmers Market, as always on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
As Frea was due to lamb on Monday, but has been looking very large and uncomfortable, we decided to pen her up yesterday, just to be on the safe side. Tim did the 4am check, nothing was happening, but when we went to feed and let the chickens out at 7am, Frea was very restless and not interested in her food. By the time we had fed up she was showing strong signs of giving birth. I made a cup of tea and took it to Tim in the barn and then went off to Botton, but not before ringing my fellow smallholder Jayne, asking her to pop over in case Tim needed help.
Well he certainly needed help! There were legs and heads in some very strange positions. So additional help was called on. Pete, one of the local farmers, was rung, just as he came in for his mid morning coffee, to come and help. He managed to sort the legs, heads and bodies out and quickly delivered Frea's twin tup lambs.

Frea with her lambs

The little lamb laid down, was the first to be delivered and he's a bit snuffly, so has been given a shot of antibiotics, he also has a "wonky" leg, due to weak ligaments. We know from experience that given a couple of days, it will sort it's self out. But all in all 2 very big, heavy lambs.
I came home from Botton Market early as we had a house viewing this afternoon, which took place, thankfully between the rain showers. But whilst Tim was dealing with Frea and her lambs, the estate agent rang to say that we have a viewing on Sunday afternoon as well. We are certainly getting viewings, which is good, especially as our smallholding is not being actively advertised by our estate agent. It's just on their web site and in their shop window. Let's just hope that sooner or later one of the couples that want to buy our smallholding can sell their respective properties.

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