Sunday 3 January 2010

A snowed in New Year and the wrong type of snow!!!

We didn't see the New Year in, but when we woke up there was a light dusting of snow. My mum, sis and her family, were coming here for the rearranged Christmas lunch, and this snow meant that the Hobbits could run off some energy with their sledges.
Here are the Hobbits with Tim and their Dad just about to be pushed down the slope in the top field.
Here the Hobbits are pushing me on the sledge
My sister falling off the sledge after being pushed by the Hobbits
Tim falling off the sledge trying to avoid me whilst I was taking photos
An action shot of the Hobbits being pulled down the race by their mum and dad
We all sat down to lunch and it started to snow, again, this time very heavily, to such an extent that Jayne, Cliff, mum and the Hobbit's couldn't get up our road, so they all stayed the night. Thankfully in the winter we have a "siege mentality" where food is concerned, which meant that feeding an extra 5 people for the night was not really a problem. We had a good time catching up.
The following morning, the Hobbits, Tim and Cliff dug out the end of our track as the snow plough had been down and there was an 18" wall of snow to try and drive through. With a break in the snow and a helpful tow from Tim, the Batt family and mum were able to get home.
This was the depth of the snow the morning of the 3rd Jan. A whole 5"!!! The Hobbits were going to build a snow man, but the snow was too light and powdery, it also meant that when they tried to do some more sledging, they just sunk in the snow. It was quite fully to see the boys on their sledges going further and further into rather than on top of the snow.
Within 1/2 of everyone leaving we did a quick run to the supermarket, returning home an hour later, as it was snowing heavily.
This is the depth of the snow today - 10". Needless to say the jobs we had planned for the sheep have been put on hold until some of the snow has started to thaw and I fear that once the sheep are in the barn, they won't want to come out!
Happy New Year everyone


Jon Storey said...

We have a similar amount here. Looks as if you all had a great time and a bit of an adventure into the bargain.

And a captive audience too!

The workload of looking after animals is getting a bit easier, yesterday and New Year's day involved about about fifty miles of driving through deepening snow each day.

Caroline M said...

If I was a sheep I know where I'd be...

Jenny Holden said...

Gosh, you have been hit by it! We've had no new snow for a while but it is still lying and things are just getting icier and icier! Not much fun to get about. My sheep don't get the luxury of a barn but they are well, if costing me a fortune in haylage and nuts!