Sunday 19 June 2011

Avoiding the showers

After the rain yesterday, (which according to our rain gauge we had 10mm, which is much needed and fell as a gentle shower, rather than a quick heavy shower which just seems to run straight off the land rather than soaking in). I spent the morning in the veg garden. I have leeks, courgette and squash plants that were in urgent need of planting out.
Digging over the bed where leeks are going, the soil is still very dry and it was hard going. Despite this I managed to get over 100 leek seedlings planted out and watered in as well as the courgette and squash plants.
Came in for lunch with the idea of going back out to rescue my sprout and cabbage plants from the weeds, but it started to rain and it has rained all afternoon. At least my newly planted veggies will be well watered in.

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